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10 Best Fonts for a Resume

Picking the right font is key for a great resume. A good font makes it easy to read and shows that you’re serious about the job. These 10 fonts are excellent choices for a professional look.

1. Arial

Arial Font

Arial is simple and clear. It’s one of the most common fonts, so it’s familiar to many people. Arial helps your resume stay readable and neat.

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2. Cambria

Cambria Font

Cambria has a classic style, making it suitable for fields like law or education. It gives your resume a formal look, which can leave a solid impression.

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3. Calibri

Calibri Font

Calibri is modern and widely liked. It looks good on screens and prints, making it a flexible choice for any job. Calibri keeps things simple and professional.

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4. Garamond

Garamond Font

Garamond adds a touch of elegance to your resume. It’s perfect for creative roles like design or writing. While still easy to read, Garamond brings a bit of style to the page.

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5. Times New Roman

Times New Roman Font

Times New Roman is a classic font. It’s been a go-to for years, especially in traditional fields. Times New Roman is a safe bet when you need something reliable and easy to read.

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6. Georgia

Georgia Font

Georgia is designed to look great on screens. It mixes old-school and new styles, so it’s good for many jobs. Georgia works well if you’re applying online and want your resume to pop on any device.

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7. Helvetica

Helvetica Font

Helvetica is clean and modern. It’s a popular choice in design fields. Helvetica gives your resume a polished, professional look.

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8. Avenir Next

Avenir Next Font

Avenir Next is sleek and current. It’s ideal for tech jobs or roles focused on new ideas. Avenir Next helps your resume stay up-to-date.

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9. Frutiger

Frutiger Font

Frutiger is clear and easy to read. It’s a great choice for fields where communication is important, like healthcare. Frutiger makes a strong, clear impression.

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10. Roboto

Roboto Font

Roboto is a top pick in the tech world. It’s made to look good on screens, so it’s perfect for digital resumes. Roboto is modern and clean, fitting for jobs in technology.

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Choosing the right font can make a big difference in how your resume is received. Each of these fonts brings something unique to the table, helping you present yourself in the best way possible.